This is a short summary of the consultation responses received from the residents. It is compiled by the members of the Steering Group and the responses were sorted into the headings on the response form if they were sent in on an email.
There were 94 respondents, the numbers on the sheets omit Nos 44 & 45 because one was added to the same persons second submission and the other was verified after we had done the numbering.
The next step will be to evaluate the responses and determine how they can be best used to inform the next version of the Lingfield Neighbourhood Plan.
Lingfield Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 Consultation
Public Consultation 17 May to 28 June 2023
This is the main document which identifies the Vision and Objectives and the planning policies which will apply to all new development, including extensions, in the Lingfield Parish Area
It has been written to address the issues raised by residents and businesses, who want to see new development that respects the character and heritage of the village, as well as delivering the infrastructure the community needs.
Consultation Comment Prompt Sheets Word Doc
Please use the prompt sheets if you wish to. You can download and complete the sheet and email it to [email protected]
Or print off a copy and post or drop off the completed sheets to
Lingfield Parish Council Office
Lingfield and Dormansland Community Centre
High Street LIngfield RH7 6AB
Please put "LNP Consultation" on the envelope.
B - Heritage and Character Assessment 2019
This document provides the guidance for future development to be able to respect the character of the different pars of the parish area, especially in the historic parts of the village. It identifies the key characteristics of the different parts of the village so that development can be designed to fit in and maintain the feel and look of that area.
This document is open to consultation comments.
C - LNP Site Options and Assessment April 2020
This document was produced by AECOM, a well respected planning consultancy, to assess all the sites that the Lingfield Neighbourhood Plan (LNP) wanted to consider. It looked at how each of the sites would function in accessibility and sustainability terms. It includes an assessment of the Star Fields site as at the time, the site was being considered in the emerging Tandridge Local Plan, which is not supported by the community and not subsequently included in the LNP. It does however, provide an impartial view of sites around the village.
This document also includes a complete assessment of the candidate areas for the designation of Local Green Space, which is a protection a community cna ask the District Council to put on its valued and important open spaces.
It is also open to consultation comments.
D - Lingfield Design Code 2019
This document provides some very easy to follow guidelines for all new development in the area. All applications will need to show consideration for design and layout, so that any new building fits in with the existing. It also provides information on how development can mitigate for the risks caused by climate change, like flooding.
The Government is really keen to see local communities bring forward Design Codes for their local areas and provided the funding for AECOM to produce one for Lingfield.
This document is open to consultation comments.
E - LNP Strategic Environmental Assessment
This report looks at the impact the polices in the plan could have on the local area and suggests ways these impacts could be mitigated.
It is a draft document and is part of the set of documents that are included in the Public Consultation and was written by planning consultants who are experts at this type of work.
F - Local Green Spaces LNP Report
Assessment by the LNP of the candidate areas for Local Green Space Designation. Including those assessed by AECOM in the Sites Assessments and Options Report 2020 and additional proposals by the LNP.
G - Buildings of Character LNP Report
Contains a list of those buildings which residents believe should be afforded additional planning protections by being designated as Locally Listed Non-Designated Heritage Assets.
H - Assets of Community Value LNP Report
Buildings and open space the community believes should be maintained for the benefit of the community and by designating them as Assets of Community Value, it enables the community to intervene, should they come up for sale. The list has been drawn up for the Lingfield parish Council to submit applications for these to be registered as Assets of Community Value
TDC Response to the LNP Reg 14 Consultation 28 June 2023
This is the Tandridge Council response to the Regulation 14 Consultation Lingfield Neighbourhood Plan
The contents will need to be considered carefully, along with all the other consultation responses, including those from other Statutory Bodies and from residents and businesses, and all the information will need to be collated and assessed.
The Steering Group will publish a Statement of Consultation which will include a generalised response to the Consultation Submissions and proposals for changes to the Plan.
One of the pieces of advice from Tandridge Council in their response, is to suggest that the Steering Group might wish to take professional advice to ensure their Statement of Consultation is sound and this will make the publication date a bit unpredictable.
Our events
Neighbourhood planning information
- The Locality Roadmap Guide
- Neighbourhood Planning Support - provided by Locality
- My Community - Neighbourhood Planning
- Royal Town Planning Institute - Neighbourhood Planning
- My Community - for all community projects
National planning documents
- National Planning Policy Framework 2021
- The Planning Practice Guidance 2014
- The Localism Bill 2011
- National Planning Policy Framework 2012
Tandridge current planning documents
- Tandridge Core Strategy 2008
- Tandridge Local Plan Part 2 Detailed Policies 2014
- Supplementary Planning Documents
Nearby Neighbourhood plans
- Dormansland (Version 1 )
- Limpsfield Neighbourhood Plan
- Caterham, Chaldon & Whyteleafe Neighbourhood Plan
Tandridge Local Plan (Emerging)
- Tandridge Local Plan 2033 (Reg 22)
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Recordings of the Local Plan Hearings in 2019
- Everything else connected to the Local Plan